A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Hard times

This is possibly the point where you wish my broadband would stop working again...

Just in case I fail to take any pictures later, or can't face the lengthy upload time that the pc seems to incur I thought I'd share my view right now. It's mid-afternoon, the hottest part of the day and I am reclining on a lounger in the shade of the terrace, with a gentle breeze creating the perfect temperature.

Our last family of visitors arrived last night in the form of the ever lovely SooB and her family. After a morning in the pool and lunch on the terrace, MrB and Carl have gone shopping*, the kids are sprawled around the house watching DVDs and reading, Soob is siestaing and I'm fighting a battle between eyes closing and reading my book. My eyelids have probably notched up the most victories so far.

This is the moment I spent June and certainly July working towards.

Lesley x

*I know that makes it sound like they are the only ones being useful but before you feel too sorry for them I can assure you they will incorporate refreshments into their outing.

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