A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ray Mears eat your heart out...

Which I'm sure he could if he needed to.

You wouldn't think these guys had never shoved a through a fish before. They took to it like a fish to a water. Lots of manly, murmuring noises being made as these now cook next to a very hot fire.

Let's not ruin the moment by mentioning the morning trip to the mercado municipal to catch, er buy, the fish.

So many blipportunities today from the market, to lunch in the plaza de la constitucion, to the magnificent inflatable volleyball net for the pool , to the very lovely fig, jamon and cheese starter. But so much talk went into this moment it had to be the winner.

And before that there's a bbq'd gambas starter so I must be off...

Lesley x

EDIT: this blip is taking so long to upload we have now eaten the delicious bbq'd dorada on sticks, garlic beans and rosemary potatoes. I'm not sure I can move anymore...

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