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Granny Camp...first full day

Yesterday evening we picked up our 7 yr. old granddaughter for a few days of what we have dubbed "Granny Camp". We played many hours of Barbie...even digging out a box from the garage filled with Barbie Dolls and clothes that belong to our youngest 24! Our grand was in 7th heaven! Many changes of clothes, hours of the mom's sitting around chatting with the babies in tow, the dad's at work and all that A's imagination could come up with.

We did take a few breaks from Barbie extravaganza today and made a trek to our local library where we checked out a few books and movies to get us through the week. We also picked 4 baskets of wild blackberries to snack on as well as enjoy for dessert. We still have a few more to add to our breakfast tomorrow.

For now, A is are all the Barbies...but the clothes are still spread out on one of the carpets...just awaiting the adventures that will start again tomorrow shortly after breakfast!

Hopefully lots of fun memories are being made at Granny camp! Tomorrow we need to sneak in a little piano practice as well as attending one of Granddad's Community Band concerts! Let the fun continue!

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