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Granny 2

The nicest thing about being on vacation is that there is no particular schedule to keep.,,so granddaughter A has been allowed to stay up later than normal and then of course sleeping in a bit later than normal. We finally saw her smiling face around 9:30 this morning and a bowl of oatmeal was ready for her. After a warm bath and getting dressed she and I took a long walk around our yard...collecting a nice bouquet of wild flowers as well as looking a bit closer at all we saw around us...from the tiny bugs on the flowers, to the birds in the trees and even some leaves that we noticed had already turned fall colors! Afterwards, we continued our Barbie game with many new adventures...with breaks for a movie and meals.

After dinner we went to a community band concert with granddad...and here they are posing with his tuba before the concert (notice their reflections in the tuba). We arrived home in time to watch another short film we had picked up from the local library while enjoying some apple slices...and of course a nice conversation with A's parents and brother before getting tucked into bed for the night!

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