
By shy


So, today was the day that Lewis Hamilton was to win the world championship. After last night I wasn't going to believe a word of it. Now it's over, I can say that I wasn't surprised, and was in a way, quite pleased that Kimi did it. He's often been there or thereabouts and thoroughly deserved it.

Earlier today, flick and I went to Castle Ashby to take some garden shots while the sun was still shining. I had the little camera with the big lens, and flick had the posh camera with the landscape lens. The sunlight was brilliant, and some quite nice contrasty shots were had by all. I chose this one of the lilly pads in the orangery because I rather liked the out-of-focusness of the flower.

That's it, the weekend is over, and within a week, England has been bolloxed in the rugby, the football and the motor racing. Still, there's a week of work to look forward to now.

Such Joy

Have a good week folks.

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