Today was a day for playing with the tripod. I thought it might finally be my chance to get some long-exposure shots of water, for that silky-misty look... but I thought I'd had way too many beach-blips in the last week, so decided against it.
Instead, I turned it into a chance to use the timer function, and give u a blip of me :D
Since I moved out, and my room became the spare room, it's also become a themed room. This is the room where the jukebox lives, and the walls are adorned with retro-images. It's losely a 50's Diner theme. I really like it. So to honour that, I thought I'd go for ridiculous amounts of processing, to get this looking like it could've been taken in the 50's... you can let me know how successful or otherwise I've been ;-) I've a feeling the guitar should've been in there too.
Oh, and the bed's a fold-down, in case you were wondering what crazy kinda 50's diners had beds in them!
Really looking forward to tomorrow. I have a seven hour drive. I'm going home :-D
- 0
- 0
- Pentax K-x
- 1/33
- f/3.5
- 18mm
- 400
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