Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Man it's a hot one

Thunderous clouds on the horizon, most unlike Los Angeles. I wonder if it'll come to anything.

Fun running around in the playground by the ocean. My boys really have to be out every day or they'll drive us all up the wall.

Callum is repeating every new word he hears now, over and over again until we acknowledge him. Sometimes he'll say something I mentioned a wee while back, retrieving it from his frantic memory bank.

Terrific news today after Reuben's tests yesterday which Jason attended. In such gastric emptying studies, the radiologists and us don lead vests to protect us from exactly the material which Reuben is then given to swallow or in this case, take through his tube. With the results back today, the long drawn out tests showed that whilst there's a little delay in emptying, it's not a significant one to require immediate surgery to twist his stomach and prevent reflux. Now we only have to contemplate the repeat open heart surgery this year.

Ah, the wind is up. Perhaps it will. And I wonder how you shoot a panorama with an 85mm prime lens?
Can't decide on today's although apparently I did.

All on board the Disney Magic!

Uncles: This is the Life

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