Early morning....

Living in the country has so many wonderful aspects to it....fresh air, quiet, beauty, lots of space....and little mice that come in thro all sorts of small gaps etc. It's not as bad now as a few weeks ago, altho we are moving into the cooler evenings so we might be back into the times of catching 3 or 4 a night....we use a live trap, with good old peanut butter......and then we (actually it's usually Terry cos he stays up way later than me) collect them in a bucket out on the porch and in the morning one of us, more often than not me.....walks the bucket with sometimes just 1 but mostly 2 or 3 little mice, up to the top (or sometimes just to the middle) of the long driveway and sets them free. The idea is that if we free them quite far from the house they might not find their way back! I am however skeptical about this....i think we should be tagging them - i'm pretty sure there's maybe only 9 or 10 of them out there and they just keep coming back!!! Anyway, all this by way of explaining why i am often walking past the garden just as the sun hits it! this morning was an amazing display.....the dew on the asparagus plant was so magical....also the spiders web (might put that one up on flickr!) so it was actually well worth the wander up the pathway to free just one little mouse this morning.

Then it was off to the farmer's market in Baddeck, a lovely sunny day, lots of good and silly banter with George and Cora-Lee, not to mention really amazing sausages cooked right there by George....very tasty indeed. It was a slower day than others, but we still managed to sell quite a lot and feel pretty good with the day's intake!

Just finished a lovely bbq chicken dinner and now it's off to read the last few pages of the book i'm totally enthralled with....I don't like getting to the end of a really engrossing book, but it has to come i guess!!

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