
By PlanW

We're All Going On A Summer Holiday

No More Working For A Week Or Two!**

Two actually! Haven't had two weeks off for a long time and feel I need it now. 14 women (in instalments, not all at once) off to Turkey. Alert the media.

Bag's packed (since June), everything I own is in there and it still only weighs 18kg - although that's on the scales that tell me I'm FAT so maybe it's a lot less (yeah, right!!)

House is cleaned, not quite from top to bottom, maybe from side to side. My sister's coming for a few days while I'm away and she's like Monica from Friends so I've been up since 6am wiping things. Got half day at work, come home, make myself 'beach ready' - I dont know why the magazines say '28 days to make yourself beautiful for the beach', I just take the duffle coat off, get the mower out and away we go. I'll be beating them off with a stick come Friday night!

I'll backblip in two weeks. Be good blippers.


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