Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Dividing Line

I captured this photo just as Mr. Fun was placing dinner on the table. As I stepped out the door, he said, "Where are you going?"

When I look at this photo, what I see is a dividing line. Does anyone else see it?

The line sits between the real and the reflection.

I think that's the type of division I'm at this evening. This is the last weekend before I step into teaching this coming Tuesday. Everything behind me is a reflection, a memory. I hope off in the distance somewhere, I look back and see a thread of gold running through these past 3 months. We lost 3 dogs and a brother this summer . . . Bob dog,Katie cutie, Patches, and Mr. Fun's brother David. So at the moment, I'm having a tough time finding the gold thread, but I know it is included in the tapestry of this summer.

Yesterday at faculty orientation, when the Vice President was giving her cordial welcoming speech, she was holding a beach ball and would occasionally throw it into the audience. That was to keep us all from sitting through the meeting texting, FaceBooking, and tweeting (can you believe that!); anyway, the person who caught the ball had to read one of the questions that was written on the ball and give an answer. When the biology professor caught the ball and read, "What did you do on your summer vacation?" my eyes filled with tears, a baseball swelled in my throat, and I quietly breathed deeply trying not to let anyone see my sadness.

Honestly, the two of us have had some great moments this summer. So I don't want friends to feel sorry for me. We traveled and walked and talked and attended concerts and been to family camp with our Grand-daughter and great grandson and have eaten fabulous meals and swam and held each other and celebrated life and posed for life.turns and met blipfriends (Dorrit and Mallary). So it has been a stellar summer.

But I was reminded yesterday that it's been a somber summer too. I'm thankful that the VP's beach ball didn't land in my lap, that I swallowed the baseball in my throat, and that my tears spilled quietly from my eyes.

So this is the gap weekend -- the dividing line -- between summer vacation and school beginning. The answer to Mr. Fun's question, "Where are you going?" is -- I'm going into a new semester, but before I do, I plan to have a fabulous weekend. I hope you have one too!

Good night from a much cooler Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

P.S. Later, I decided that if the ball had come to me, I could have said, "I wrote 500 words a day on my summer vacation." And I have a bunch of Blipfriends who could testify that I'm telling the truth. Thanks for reading this far.

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