Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Ring a Ring o' Roses

Quiet day for us today. And yes, Kerr was up at 6am so we did the wrong thing putting him to bed early - at least we know not to do that again! His body is obviously set for 12 hours sleep overnight no matter what time he goes down.

Went to BandQ this afternoon to get some things for the garden. Kerrsdaddy then cut the grass and tidied things up a bit, while I groomed Fudge within an inch of his life :-). Kerr sat in the buggy overseeing proceedings.

This evening we were practicing party games with Kerr, in preparation for his wee family birthday party in a couple of weeks. He was a bit bemused when Daddy kept trying to get him to dance, but he soon began to enjoy it - especially Ring a Ring o' Roses.

Haha he will be totally embarassed by us trying to dance with him in a few years - better make the most of it while we can!

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