Everyday is Red

By everydayisred


There will be never enough hours in the day.
My life is broken down into minutes, over and over.
I remember the first time a client made me cry, I didn't expect it, I just found myself quietly wiping tears away from my eyes. It wasn't the last time.
How many times can I tell you I love you in a day?
I've only tried to make bread once. I'm better at cake.
My real first time was when I was 16.
The longest and shortest hours are the ones spent on a plane. I'll be on one in 52 hours.
38 minutes to work.
5700 minutes of free phone time.
This time, never.
6 loads of sheets is half a night.
Next time is forever and ever.
We'll be gone in 3 months, or less.
One more time for you, I promise.
This is the last time I'll think about it.
Time for rest, from the rest.

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