The ordinary people on the street

We remember the extra-ordinary, the things and people that seem weird or stand out for some reason that act out of the ordinary, that go beyond what's usual. But often it's the ordinary, the normal people on the street that set the sphere of our days, of our lives.

Today I noticed again how in Buenos Aires it seems they try to create work, do things with as many people as possible. As I was walking back from my Spanish class to the subte, I went inside a store as I thought they might have some nice clothes there. So I bought my first piece of clothing; can you believe that?

First, I was just holding some clothes whereupon a woman came to me. Do you want to try this? When I said yes, she took the cloth hangers away from it. Minutes later, I went into the dressing room. After I tried them, someone asked me if it was okay. Since I wanted to buy one of the dresses, I had to walk to the other side of the shop with the lady who was holding my new dress. There she wrote me a note that I was going to pay x amount in cash and with this note I walked back to the cashier which was next to the dressing rooms. She stamped the bills that I paid it, took one and gave me the other one. With this I could pick up my clothes at the other lady again..

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