Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Weird...I know

Yah I know this is weird, but I'm tired, and I'm experimenting with my reverse 50mm. The actual focused version was boring and disclosed way too much about my day. ;)

Work was a bear. That's all I have to say.

Tonight was meet the teacher night at my son's school. We visited, and he had a lot of fun. His teacher looks a bit like his Nani, so I think that made him a bit more comfortable. At the least, he'll remember who is in charge. He found his locker and cubby and even learned a couple of new rules: no hats in the classroom and don't sit on the tables.

He's never been shy in his life. When I went to introduce him to the teacher, he hid in my legs, and I almost teared up a bit. I think he may be a bit scared, and I sure hope that passes. I want him to have fun and enjoy the experience of school. I'm sure he will. Mr. 2 year old, on the other hand, was ready for me to leave him there. haha

I backblipped a few days last night if you have a chance too.

Edit: Oh, and it seems I have a Vitamin D deficiency. Finally hoping for more energy and less headaches. That's what I get for living in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.

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