Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Calm after the storm

I woke up this morning at 5:30 a.m. to a little one who had a 102 degree (F) fever. He was just miserable and never managed to fall back to sleep. After a bit of Tylenol, he was feeling more himself on managed to keep a fairly good mood throughout the day.

Family had to travel North to Seattle, so it was a big breakfast and then lots of hugs and kisses goodbye. After everyone left, all we wanted to do was relax. But then I remembered my package from Amazon had been dropped on Saturday. I opened it to find my new reverse lens adapter for my 50mm.

Of course I had to wander about the yard and play with it. This photo is a result and much better than my shot a few nights ago. I had no idea there was pink in these flowers until now.

Then I packed the camera away and spent the rest of the day with my boys. We picked blackberries, played trains and laser tag remote controlled cars, and took a nap.

Now it's time for some dinner and then off to bed. Phew what a weekend. :)

Backblip - August 26th

Backblip - August 27th

Backblip - August 28th

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