Kaikoura, NZ - Fur Seal Pups
Family day trip to Kaikoura to see the wild Seal Pups up the Ohau Stream playing under the waterfall. We walked alongside the stream amongst bush and birds and at one point crossed over the stream. There were at least 30 playing in the waterfall pool and many more amongst the rocks and pools on the walk in - they were adorable, curious but they are wild.
The pups are born at the Ohau Point Seal Colony, on the coast. They venture up the Ohau stream while mum is out fishing so she can produce a rich milk for the pups to feed on, she can be gone for two days. When the pups are bigger they head to sea and fend for themselves but until that time they play together and explore, quite often forming little playgroups as per their age.
They are watched closely by the Department of Conservation as some people forget they are wild. It was an awesome experience and one that will never be forgotten.
Daughter E is very much into nature and Daughter A is our explorer so this day out suited both of them. As you can see they had their cameras and many many photos were taken between us.
The day continued with Fish and Chips down by the sea, then heading round to the peninsula to find more seals. The landscape of the Kaikoura coastline is quite rugged in parts, interesting rocks, wildlife and birdlife. There is also Whale watching offshore - a place we need to visit for alot longer than a day.
Running behind with blips and comments and I will be catching up over the next few days when time allows. Daughter A heads back to Wellington on Saturday so busy times ahead :)
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