Birthday Tea.

Mum and dad came up for the birthday lunch, most of which they brought with them on the bus all the way from Ayr. Homemade sausage rolls, homegrown cherry tomatoes, beetroot and plums. Fantastic, you are both stars!

Then a plethora of goodies from the local baker. The cake went down a treat. (The sparklers weren't the easiest to light and we just managed to get them going but I still think the son was faking surprise / excitement for the camera!).

Of course a birthday wouldn't be "right" without some party poppers and balloons so we sat in the front room knocking some of those backwards and forwards for a bit before my mum shouted out "There's a man trying to get in your garden gate with a monster". Not having any idea what she was talking about, and personally thinking she was seeing things, I went to the door to take a look. She wasn't hallucinating and there was indeed a monster just waiting to be brought inside.

At over six feet tall and made from balloons, Balloon Vader is perhaps one of the most impressive things I have ever seen. I don't know how to photograph him to do him justice, but honestly. He has to be seen to be believed!

A pressie from my sister, he really stole the show. In fact, I was so amazed when I saw him that I forgot to ask the man who delivered him where he was from. I will rectify that as soon as I can! So if you are out there and you read this, thank you so much. Thanks to Fiona too. You really helped make the day!

Later, the son decided that the birthday tea was to be a fish supper on the beach at St Andrews. So that's what we did, Was a bit chilly by the time we got there, but he was determined to go al fresco so that's what we did. As you can see, the seagulls came too!

Thanks to everyone for making this a really special day!

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