Tea for Two on the Patio

After our last sleep at the castle, although we still have tidying up and cleaning to do before Friday, we woke to another Indian summer morning.

The Fringe visitors have departed, taking with them the thundery downpours of the last fortnight.
There was blue sky with a froth of white puff ball clouds, but a distinct smell of autumn in the air as I went for an early coffee after the washing was hung out for the last time in the back garden.

We decamped to the Dower House to arrange the crockery and glasses in the newly purchased cupboard, and have lunch on the patio before returning to the castle to oversee the removal of furniture for Glasgow daughter who is also moving today.

Just as the men had negotiated the seemingly impossible task of getting a small wardrobe down from the turrets, and had everything loaded, she rang to say that the electronic transfer of money from their buyers' lawyer had not gone through today as contracted, this being the entry date, and will not be available until tomorrow.

So now Glasgow daughter, son-in-law and 2 year old baby were in the position of having no means of getting their furniture into their new home, thanks to the incompetent lawyers or bankers involved.
However at the last minute, she has managed to negotiate a deal of being able to put their furniture into the new home and then return the keys to her lawyer.

What a palaver and how stressful for them all. I can only hope things improve.

PS We have no internet access until Thursday at the Dower House , so commenting will be zero tonight

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