Mummy's Little Pudding...

6 weeks + 2

I absolutely adored this outfit. It's exactly the sort of thing I'd turned my nose up before I had my own baby. But once we'd been bought it and I'd tried it on her for comedy value, I fell in love with how adorable she looked in it!!

We had a lovely day today. We had lunch and playtime with friends and their two children. I looked after their eldest from being a newborn and today was the first time Hannah met Katie. They have a baby 4 weeks older than Katie too, so I love going to see baby Sam as well! Hannah was smitten with Katie and tied a pretty little ribbon to her arm for her to look at.

It was just Katie and I for teatime, we got ourselves all dressed and pressed ready for her brother's school Christmas disco/fundraiser. A very loud and chaotic event but one that everyone had requested Katie and I attended! Katie managed to snooze for an hour at the disco before needing to come home for quiet time and snuggly sleeps

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