Hello mamam

13 months 13 days

Katie gave me a rather nice start to the day - my bedroom is Katie proofed and has a treasure basket and some toys, as well as the drawers of clothes etc, plenty to occupy her. And she occupied herself rather happily for an hour this morning, so Mummy stayed in bed dozing!

We had a steady start to our routine, a late-ish breakfast, so she troughed everything i put in front of her. We'd decided to go to the play cafe (free entry on a saturday, good incentive!) thinking we'd be the only one from our friends, turned out most people had similar ideas! We had a couple of hours playing at the table/eating lunch/nattering before Katie decided she was happy to go in the soft play. We went in and it got busy. Typical! Bless them, her little friends, who are 8 months older, were trying to be really loving to her, big cuddles and stuff, but she ended up being floored by one whilst the other sat on her!

She was very ready for a sleep when we came home, then had a nice play. We'd been given a big sack of ballpool balls as her pool has one small bag full in and it looked rather empty. She was very excited and enjoyed laying on the edge of the pool so she could do big swooshes in the balls.

She munched most of the afternoon then ate most of her tea, started on mine, then moved on to a satsuma and a full yoghurt, and still had room for a white chocolate finger!

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