My Angle

By myangle

My Knee

1/250th sec, f2.5, 100 ISO, 85mm lens, Canon 350D

Well I went to my doctor this morning and she had a good poke, prod and bend of my knee. No pain and no swelling was a good sign but my description was exactly what she would have expected from a torn ligament. She sent me off for an xray to make sure there was no obvious damage. There wasn't but I was at pains to tell her that although I can put weight on it this morning, I feel that something is not OK.

The next step is to go for an MRI (whatever that is) and see a specialist. We have decided to wait till Monday to see if it all calms down. I suspect it will.

All this means light duties at work. Being the dedicated worker that I am I elected not to take a sick day but rather to work in a reduced capacity. I am on leave tomorrow anyway. I won't be able to play footy on the beach but I will still be able to cast a line and do some fishing. My drinking arm should be OK too!

Another one of our blip institutions has resigned. Sad but understandable. It is interesting though that to community is small enough that when someone leaves, the news gets around.
Enjoy retirement Sea Urchin.

Knee related blips:

Chris M
Placid Casual

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