
By tookie

Rose Joy

It rained all day and I loved it. I'm dedicating this rose to the kind hearted Englishman who came over to help change the blow out tire I had last nights. I was on the way back from driving friends to the airport and on the expressway my back driver's side tire blew out! Avoided a tragedy for sure and quickly slowed down and was able to get to a Safeway parking lot up the hill from the freeway I'd been on. There, after unloading the spare and jack, a super helpful guy came over and offered to change it for me. With a bum back and bad knees it was an offer NOT to be refused by this wise woman. Besides I'm a pushover for an English accent ha ha.....I offered to buy him dinner after he finished, but he refused and said he was only too glad to have helped. What a nice nice guy and it certainly confirms my belief that most people are helpful and kind---we mostly read or hear about the others. So---where ever you are my road hero---this rose is for YOU:)

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