
By Madz

Gran & Bob

Went over to grans afterschool to take some more photos for my school photography board. I did a double exposure for this shot.

It was alot of fun and I got some really cool photos. Hopefully my photography teacher approves :P

Schools been really good. I'm really enjoying things at the moment. Im passing pretty much everything and the things that Im not doing so well are easy to fix.

We are doing creative writing in english and Im doing this little thing on genetic engineering in the amish community. Should be interesting.

I went to Unlimited last monday..... might backblip from that day...
and on wenesday it was my friend emily's birthday so I baked a cake (it was meant to be a sponge, but it failed somewhat) I re-met a friend of mine who I knew AGGGGEEEESSSS ago. its awesome!

Thats about it for me at this stage.
Im still the assistant director for the little mermaid. I took photos for that a couple of weeks ago. that was really fun. the girls were so adorable!
The shows in about a month. In the school holidays. SHOULD BE AWESOME!

OH and Im seeing SWEENEY TODD the musical in the holidays!

Until then

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