
By Madz

Bye bye Annie

Annabelle Came back for a week :D (she's my sister)
She's travelling around New Zealand with her Drama troupe.

I went and saw her do a show last night at the high school. It was really good. the play they're doing is "Ophelia Thinks Harder" its a take off of Hamlet from Ophelia's point of view. It was really good.

after school I went to town on the bus and met up with Oli and got bubblecup. then we bussed to where I needed to go and he continued home.

I made some friends at the school (well i hope theyre my friends :P well its on facebook so it must be true :P)

Then tonight annies friends came round to say goodbye as she is going away for another 6 weeks. It was so much fun. Lots of dancing and Laughing. this is me and annie dancing to California Gurls.
I dont know who took this photo but it was cool so I blipped it.

I got a new best friend HI NATE! xD
good times :D
I also found out that I suck at the card game spoons ><

Until then

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