The Way I see it

By kathrynsworld


I literally had zero motivation to take a blip today, and couldn't think of anything to take a picture of. My camera is still broken! Remember that blip on August 20th (? I believe). Well now it's September 2nd and Best Buy told me they lost my camera! We're waiting to see tomorrow what happens. This picture was taken with Chris' camera. It's my computer screen saver which is all the albums in my Itunes library all mashed together.

I am behind on my blips not only because of my camera being M.I.A, but also because I hurt my arm/shoulder/neck at work, and have been out of commission. I thought it was just a pinched nerve, but it hurt from my middle finger all the way up to my neck behind my left ear. I had a difficult time at work coping, so I went to the doctor and she sent me for an MRI. It was one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever had to do. Long story short, I go in tomorrow to the dr. to go over the MRI pictures and see what's going on. My arm/shoulder/neck has been feeling better, so I'm hoping it's nothing serious.

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