secret garden

By freespiral


The thing I love about Bantry market is you can sell anything!! This motley array of tools look as though they have been well used in previous incarnations but were laid out hopefully. Maybe a bit of rootling and you would find exactly the tool you have been searching for!

Big market today - everything is there from jams to plants, pots to puppies (always difficult), beds to bison horns. And lots of interesting people, I asked one man if I could take his photo (fake tattooist) and he stood up (big and beefy) and demanded to know if I was a tax inspector! I asked him if he thought I looked like one (I sincerely hope not) and he replied that they came in all guises! Probably true. I was allowed to take his picture but it wasn't that brilliant after all that! I was quite tempted to have a fake tattoo though.

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