
By scharwenka

Guinea Fowl (dead)

Others may show living fowl as their BlipFotos, but ours is well and truly dead.

Our son and daughter-in-law took us out for Saturday lunch to a pub in Oxford that used to be a rather depressed and seedy boozer. Now it has become an excellent gastropub, without the annoyances and prissiness that can taint such places. We had independently had very positive personal recommendations and read enthusiastic reviews in the national press.

Here is our table just after the food was served. The ladies shared the complete pot-roasted guinea fowl, which was in a magnificent sauce containing goodies such as lardons and roasted garlic cloves. The young man ate an interesting confection of wild rabbit, chorizo and white beans. And the absent person, busy with photography, will soon sit down to a succulent dish based on a nearly (but not quite) 'confited' and very meaty duck leg.

The bare description of the food does not really do justice to the fine execution and skillful cheffery that blended flavours so well. Outstanding, in our opinion. But you can also see from the tables and general background ambience that owner (who is also the chef) has retained a true pub atmosphere, and has cetainly not made it twee.

Congratulations to the team, and sincere thanks to our hosts!

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