
A day of busyness.

My newly refurbished coalshed needed a clearout so I donned galvanised gloves and armed myself with a brush and a bucket to titivate it and get rid of years of stoor. Luckily the neighbour was on hand when the 3 inch spider appeared, wondering why his home was being demolished.

After tennis I trotted up to Holyrood Park to watch the madness that was the duathlon world championships. The whole thing looked pretty gruelling and I blipped this chap on his fifth lap up the hill around Arthur's Seat before he hopped off his bike and finished with a 5K run. It was just as well they had to go round five times as it took me ages to work out the shutter speed button; the shots I took of them careering down the hill were a blur with the occasional half-wheel in the frame.

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