Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Perfect Words

Mid-August we received the larger of these two cards. It was sent by Samiam. A wonderful person, and truly special Blipfoto friend. She has just moved to Scotland. The UK has gained a lovely member.

We were on vacation when the card arrived, so it was grouped together with a larger than usual stack of mail the Post Office had collected for us. Sam sent it after reading the news that I posted the end of July that Mr. Fun's little brother, Dave, had died. And then early August, our family suffered the death of the third dog this summer.

"Overwhelming" might be an apt title for this summer.

When I saw the card Sam sent, it took my breath away, just knocked me over . . . it hit the bulls-eye of how we were feeling here at "Fun"ville. The first phrase:

"They say what doesn't kill you makes stronger. Well, what if you didn't sign up for extra-strength training?"

I read that and the next thought and the next, all the way to the last on the cover of the card,

"it's time for things to lighten up a little!"

Then the inside encouraging sentiment and if that wasn't enough, Sam's handwritten words of care and concern for us gave the card such a lovely personal touch.

I've read the card over and over. I think it is about the most perfect card I have ever received and the timing was more than perfect. I've emailed Sam to let her know. If you'd like to read the card, tap the magnifying glass symbol above.

I also wanted to let her know that when our dear friends in the Bay Area experienced the death of their dog, Pinto, almost 2 weeks ago, I knew that I had to find this card because I thought it might be perfect for them too.

The little card included here is from our Bay Area friends expressing that they appreciated the card's sentiment too and of course our concern for them.

Losing a dog who has been like a family member is a very difficult experience. Bob Dog has been gone for 3 months. Katie Cutie, our granddaughter's dog has been gone for 2 months. Patches, our daughter's dog, has been gone for a month. The loss of a younger brother is in a category of its own.

Thanks Sam, your meaningful concern was so appreciated.

Thanks too to so many others here in Blipfoto who have expressed concern throughout this summer. Even though I'd like to not be addicted to Blip, I am because of all the truly nice people. Thank you everyone.

Good night from an extremely warm hot Southern California. One TV reporter claimed 105 degrees in our city today and another claimed 108 degrees.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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