...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

One Piece at a Time

My hubby and I went to our friends DNA (D & Anne) for some BBQing and mosaicing. Well, it was 108º so we jumped in the pool twice and decided, after only putting on a few pieces, we were done. Plus the smell of skunk walfing up from the embankment was more than we could take. You see, earlier, Gracie (my favorite Bull Terrier of all time) began to bark, it sounded like it was coming from under the deck, it was. She barked and barked, Anne got the flashlight and sure enough it was a skunk. We had smelled it earlier, but it was faint. Gracie was sent to the house and D squirted it out with the hose. The problem is, it had just died. So D got the hoe and pulled it out, I tried to get a picture but the smell caused us to gag. We were laughing and gagging and running from the smell. What an adventure. D threw it over the embankment, hence the constant smell when the wind would pick up. :D

We grilled steaks, eat super hot (thanks, Babe) salsa, sauteed mushrooms, sweet potatoe fries and a salad. We stayed inside where it was cool and watched The Princess Bride. We had a good time. More memories!!!

One piece at a time we build our friendships, our history, just like the mosaic, it doesn't happen all at once. I will be back over there, working, sharing life and creating.

Happy Long Weekend to you in the USA!!!

All you in New Zealand, we are praying for you, stay safe!!!!

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