...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Old Friend

When I was 16 my parents got me this Canon TX. I was thrilled. I had been taking a photo class ever since the summer before my Freshman year. [Side note, I met my hubby in photo class, Junior year.] :]

I loved this camera, I learned the settings, took good care of it, it was my companion at school events and a sure A in the class. Mr Crow, my photo teacher, encouraged me to carry on with photography and go to Brooks Institute. Unfortunately, my dad wasn't on the same page my teacher and told me, "Girls don't go to college", of course I believed him and when on my merry way, got engaged as a Senior and 3 months out of high school, married my high school sweetheart. Do I wonder what I "COULD HAVE BEEN"? Sure, I wonder. Do I regret my choices, NO, because I really don't know what could have been. Do I wonder....YES. Does it matter...NO!

But this is a reminder of a time when life was wide open, options were all there, decisions made. I am content and know that this is what was meant to be...but what could have been, may make a good book!!!

Here's to you Old Friend...to choices and good memories!

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