nogbad's blips

By nogbad


I went for a walk at Boxley Warren today. It's a site of special scientific interest, ancient yew woodland, de dah, de dah - you know the tune. Anyways, to get there one walks across a bridge over the high speed rail link and would you believe it? I'd just packed the camera away when a Eurostar came out of Bluebell Hill tunnel heading for the coast and onwards to Europe - I said a strong word.

Back at the woodland - who would have thought that there were so many shades of green? It's an interesting site because the woodland is quite narrow and on both sides it opens out to some spectacular views over farmland and the chalk escarpment of Bluebell Hill and the Medway valley. Unfortunately today my excursion was curtailed by rain. I'm a Mancunian so I can cope with rain but the light was getting poor and cloud was covering the valley so there was little to photograph. The shots I did get are on Flickr. This one is a bit of HDR playing and it's a strange shape because the branches I'd used to frame the shot had been moving too much so there are loads of artefacts on the leaves - I've chopped them out and tried to find something sensible in what is left. I wanted to use this as I think it shows something of the depth of colours and the wonderful shapes of the fallen branches. As always the big picture shows more including the wild clematis.

I heartily recommend this place for anyone in the area.

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