Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

Home work

This week school has started properly, which means Abbie and Pippa will both be spending time at the kitchen table after school.

Still a strange sight for me, as growing up in The Netherlands we didn't get home work (or had to carry a large school bag) at primary school. You can see Abbie's school bag at the bottom of her chair. They carry that back and forth to school on their back whilst cycling 15 mins. Oh well, doesn't seem to harm them. When they sit at the table they make their home work, but also (slowly) the tales of the day come out. I have to say, I am still soooo glad that I am not working anymore, so I can actually hear those stories...

You might also notice both Abbie and Pippa are wearing the sport kit for school, which I bought them today. They didn't fit last year's outfit anymore. Besides the new PE teacher has decided the shorts need to be black or dark blue (compared to the white ones last year).

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