Planko's Pics

By planko

Juicy Red Apples

I must get my work/life/blip balance back in order. Yet another late night home from work, and this time it was dark and extremely windy by the time i got home.

Went and scoped out another night shot in Dundee but ran out of time before having to pick kids up from Scouts, but it was far too windy for the tripod.

Perhaps later in the week when i have more time and weather is nicer and I'm home early and world peace has broken out and I've won the lottery and and and .... ;)

So apples from the garden are tonight's offering. Just as well they are picked, as this wind would most likely have shaken them all to the ground. At least this year we can feast on them rather than the worms!

Was going to blip the first ever (and very yummy) muffins that Pesky Princess baked with Mrs P today, but they are all eaten and there's not even enough crumbs to take a blip of. Next time i need to think with my blip head on rather than scoffing them straight away.


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