Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Security Fence?

I'm really enjoying getting out on the walk to swimming. We're getting to see lots of interesting things. I was going to blip a "stair garden" but it was no way near as impressive as the garden The Boy blipped (I don't think he's going to be a big talker on blip but I'm happy he's signed up and taking an interest). In the end I opted for this little row of padlocks which we found attached to a section of fence. Most people use electrical fences for added security but maybe the locks work too?

Had the stone repairers back in today to measure up for their quote. I think we'll end up using these guys. They're like the guys we got in for the boiler, something just feels right about them, they're friendly and know what they're talking about. Obviously we're getting a few more quotes but unless these guys are wildly more expensive, we'll be using them.

Evening time I headed over to S's to discuss Samhuinn thoughts and ideas. Was really nice to catch up with old friends.

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