Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Room with a view

I have loved living in this flat. From the bay window we get a view up three roads. We get to see the world go by. We witness many adventures, the little ways of life. We've seen arguments, friendships, the daily comings and goings of delivery men and lollipop ladies, jogging mum's and stalking cats. For the last few weeks we've watched scaffolding being built across the road.

This evening I noticed a young man stood out on the platform that has been created in the scaffolding, I then noticed a couple more appear. Eventually they climbed to the highest platform and settled themselves down for a chat. Well, that was until a woman climbed out of the window and after some animated hand waving (and I assume shouting), the three lads were sheepishly climbing back down and in the window.

Later this evening, I caught Milo at her water bowl. She pretends she never drinks but I have the proof!

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