
By Echo

Yes Indeed!

I have lost the will to live! Have spent hours writing out the story to go with this blip only to have it disappear when I ticked the O.K. box. each time . Then I got a message to say the picture was too small. I think I have worked out why as it was taken on a black background so the actual papers perhaps looked too small. I was spending the time writing the story thinking that our joint was cooking away nicely. I went down to put the potatoes on only to find I had set the temperature for the oven but had not turned the knob round far enough to put it on. Not a great day really.
Suffice to say these are deeds which were lost and now are found.
Perhaps I'll get round to telling the story later but not tonight . I have to be at the Hospital for 9a.m. so need to get to bed.

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