A surprise package

My Aunty Val is fab - for sometimes she sends me little gifts through the post which are silly and thoughtful at the same time.

Today, it was a Monkey with a manic laugh. I'm going to annoy the s**t out of people at work with that tomorrow. That means 4 monkeys in my office at work, plus the other SMT monkeys knocking around the place (toys, not human monkeys). 4 monkeys at home as well. Could start a zoo.

Also today

- an apology which I think was genuine, and a notable absence of an apology from someone else - to be expected and no doubt my disappointment is due to my ridiculously high expectations! Haha.

- reminders of why my job is a good one.

- a work related injury caused by a door, a fridge and someone else's bottom getting in the way of the door (really! I can't even describe it. My hand hurts, and Walter's bum hurts - and that just sounds exceptionally wrong.). Ironic given that my lesson immediately afterwards was about health and safety in the working environment - gave me an excellent 'real life' example. You couldn't have made it up, so really, the truth IS stranger than fiction.

- a note of thanks via text, with a supportive message in return from me to the Boss ("you looked rough yesterday" I think were my exact words)

- the application for James to go to our local high school submitted

- Seven Nation Army (White Stripes) in my head - James' new guitar riff learned tonight. Along with Underdog (Kasabian)

- bedroom, gutted and a warm fuzzy glow of satisfaction that came from an early text this morning from Corin "Not in work till ten - going to work on the house" which I knew meant
"I'm going to take a big f*** off hammer to the wardrobes and make as much noise as possible"...why? Because the neighbour's son, who has caused me such distress with his inconsiderate all night partying, would have been asleep in the room next door to ours.... oh how I smiled all day at the thought of that.

Childish. No. A well deserved moment of Karma calling, again.

Nearly the weekend. I'm exhausted. Feels like we've done a term already.

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