I've taken a lot of lovely shots of a cherry red gladioli that has flowered in our front garden. But when I saw this one, on Sparky sat on top of the fish tank, appearing to be licking his lips, my decision was made.

Apologies to those who are not fans of cat blips - I have tried to avoid doing them for a very long time now, but it was (in my mind) too clichéd to avoid.

Slept late, after a pretty unsettled night. Tried everything - including eye mask to keep the light out - to settle down, but my sleep is broken and not restful in the slightest. I am struggling to understand why. I am organised at work and keeping on top of my workload. I have no worries at home - James has settled back into school really well, Corin is great. Even the work that he is doing on the bedrooms is not bothering me which I thought it would. But, as Corin is trying really hard to minimise the potential for chaos, its not the nightmare that I had prepared myself for. I'm being good and eating breakfast, lunch and tea. I'm drinking plenty of fluids. I'm not even harbouring evil thoughts or anger towards anyone. I'm remarkably chilled. Just not sleeping. Might be that my back is not happy.

Right, on that note, I am going to make a brew and then attack some work so I can start with a clean slate tomorrow morning (hopefully!).

Have a great Sunday.


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