Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Girl about town.

Bacon butties for breakfast followed by kedgeree at Urban Angel for lunch before Mags got the dreaded megabus (I don't care what anyone says the megabus in my experience is pure torture. I never take it if I can help it because something always goes wrong - once it actually caught on fire. I mean, it can't just be me!) back up to Inverness and I headed off to T Tree for my daily dose.
It's not too long now until she's back here for good though, which will be great. She's desperate to be back in the Burg and I'm looking forward to having my wee pal here again :)

ps. M - I wasn't implying that you are short FFS, I was being nice! You're just paranoid....*cough*....Titch.

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