
By dailykeith


A rather trying day. I'll get the work bit over quickly - good start, rubbish finish, thanks to lack of staff and a catalogue of unnecessary problems.

That's the last you'll hear of that!

As for blipping... well, err, frustrating to say the least. And please don't laugh when you hear of the lengths I went to for a decent shot.

When I got up this morning dawn was breaking and, as the sun rose, it bathed everywhere in a wonderful, rich light - perfect for a photo!

So I decided to go a different way to work - the scenic way through winding Cotswold roads, past villages, fields, animals, drystone walls...

Perfect! I couldn't wait to get the camera out. So I stopped after a few miles, but the countryside wasn't quite the right sort of countryside for a brilliant pic.

I stopped again, climbed walls, walked in fields, took several shots - but they didn't feel right.

On my way home tonight, the sun was setting. It was bringing the best out of the Cotswold stone in the beautiful village of Painswick.

I parked, walked around, but the light quickly faded and the shots just didn't have it.

So here are flowers from the walk to the office. Even this pic isn't right - it's slightly soft on one side - but I think it's the best you're going to get from the old Nikon today.

Just one of those days, I guess.

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