Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

My baby girl

Not a great shot today but it's the only one I got. Her pupils are huge in this shot as moments before she was sat in a dark little box. It was the joy of "attempting to feed" day again today. She eventually struck at the mouse, unfortunately she hit the rear end. This shouldn't have been a problem but she had a bit of trouble eating it and then when she tried to stop eating it, she got a tooth caught on its rear leg. After that she wasn't so keen to eat so the mouse was wasted, AGAIN!

In other news:

I found out about a garden share scheme. They match people who want to garden to elderly and disabled people who are no longer able to tend their garden. You get to use their garden in exchange for some of the produce you grow. Thinking I might sign up as I've still got 3 years before I'm even in with a chance of an allotment.

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