Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


This morning we walked to swimming in the wind, we walked back in the rain. My aim was for 60 lengths unfortunately my knee started causing me pain and I had to stop after just 22. The Boy enjoyed the rest of his swim and we got signed up for our swim memberships.

The other cards I've had issues with today have been our holiday cards. We signed up for a nationwide account as they offered comission free use of their debit card within the EU. Now everything we've read suggests that Iceland is an almost cashless society (they pay for the tiniest things by card) so a card that wouldn't cost us to use was fantastic. Unfortunately when they arrived they also arrived with a "changes to terms and conditions" booklet and guess what? Yeah they've only gone and put a 2% charge on any foreign transactions. So today has been spent looking in to pre-paid mastercards designed for cheap use abroad.

I've also done some backblipping

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