A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Negative Fred

Fred wasn't feeling too great this afternoon, after being rushed around the surgery. But after a bit of manipulation by the wonderful Melissa, he felt fresh, funky and ready for Friday night.

I have been to see my Osteopath this afternoon to try and loosen my shoulders up a bit more. Last weekend, after seeing her on Friday night, I had a crisis (not of the emotional kind before anyone starts!). I suspect I will have a few aches again tomorrow, but I have plans to minimise them with a hot baths before I go to bed. Also, as well as being sensitively realigned (rather than brutally beaten into shape - that's happened before now, but not with Melissa), I was given some cranial osteopathy treatment too. Another 5 minutes and I would have floated off to sleepy land!

TFI Friday. Busy week just gone, another one to follow, with Open Evening and a late meeting for 3 of us on Wednesday as well.

Now, it's off to Boots to buy some essential oils (and hopefully a miracle cure for carbunkle-like spots), then it's home, bath, chillout and bed. Have to get up early in order to get to the post office to pick up my new lenses. Yay.

Have a great Friday everyone.

Melissa - if you're reading, THANK YOU (and I'll be updating my website over the weekend, so check back!)

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