
By pellegrina

Crab Apples

After the damsons:crab apples! We have a real beauty of a crab apple tree in the garden. My husband can't keep his hands off it at this time of year! He has just been up the ladder, shaking down the crab apples this afternoon.

I used to make jam and jellies, but now I step aside and leave it to the great man!

Some years ago, I brought home a beautiful book of illustrations painted by a russian aristocrat, capturing everyday scenes from his childhood. One of the images which stayed in my mind was the picture of an old servant making jam and sweets outside, under the trees. It was a wonderfully evocative and, somehow very comforting picture. It seemed to conjure up the anticipation and delight of a child looking forward to some treats! Every year, when jams and jellies are being made in this household I really feel a connection with this old russian scene! And it always gives me a deep sense of joy and well-being.

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