In Tru Life

By TruLife

She's got the X-Factor!

Here's another picture of Madeleine as I had blipped baby for quite a few days so I'm giving Maddy some bliptime!

We visited a good friend today who's moved to Dunfermline and were very impressed with her lovely new home.... Nice Layout and nice "feel" to it.... I always get "feels" for places, sensitive to atmosphere and environment I guess! Her eldest and Maddy went to nursery together. They played outside and down to the end of the road!!! Arg! Being a city dweller I guess it scares me a bit still and with daily requests from Maddy to walk herself to school it's on my mind a lot. The balance of giving them independence and protecting them is tough now with so much knowledge... it makes you far too overly protective! Mind you it's not just the "bogey man" who bothers me, or traffic, it's just some children are just more/less sensible than others and may/may not get themselves into trouble/danger!

Finished the day with our weekly dose of X-Factor when Madeleine snuggles into Floriana's inflatable play ring with fleecy blankets, cushions and snacks. She is so sweet even when people are terrible by saying "It doesn't mean they're a bad person!". More tomorrow and Monday's a holiday so Madeleine will be pleased to be allowed to stay up to watch it!

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