Uncle Mikey

This morning we went to soft play. Kerrsdaddy had never been before and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. We had a great time, until Kerr banged his mouth on the side of a slide and cut his lip. I felt terrible, as this is the first time he has drawn blood. However, it looked much worse than it actually was, and he was absolutely fine after 5 minutes.

This afternoon Uncle Michael, Auntie Lisa and baby Lilias came to visit. Kerrsdaddy and Michael went to the football. Final score was Motherwell 1 Aberdeen 1. They are both Dons fans.

In the evening we got a curry and watched the X Factor. I looked at all my photos from today and they were all rubbish! Lisa kindly let me use this one from her camera, of Uncle Mikey being naughty and trying to fit inside the Cosy Coupe!

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