Everyday is Red

By everydayisred

in real time

A little tired this evening, but still managing to smile.
I can't help it.
Today when I was rescheduling my dentist appointment, I realized that by the time that particular date rolls around, I won't be here.
Suddenly there are all these things that have to be done, after putting them off for the past couple of months.
Tell my offices.
Find replacements.
Look for a new place for us to live.
Secure job offers.
Lots of packing.
Get through the holidays.

Up until now, I'm sure everyone has thought that we were only thinking of moving.
Now I can start telling those people that we actually will be relocating.
And wait until they hear the other news...

It just didn't seem real, even though I knew all along it was going to happen.
The reality of it all has washed over me, and I am vibrating with excitement, even though it doesn't really look like it.
I just have to stay focused, finish the tasks at hand and take a deep breath and jump.
I'm already floating.

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