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Why do kids always get up earlier when you've been out late?
The iPod Touch kept Conor busy until 7.30, but then I really had to accept that the day had begun. Once Mr B got up, I staggered upstairs thinking I'd just lie down for a minute... and got up just in time for lunch.
And well worth getting up for too - a magnificent array of chicken, chorizo, potato and onion (there was green veg too but I'm sure you're not interested in that). Here is the plate of the man of the house, recovering in fine style from the indulgences of yesterday's party. This was his several'th helping, and yes: that is a fried chilli with chilli powder sprinkled generously thereon. Pretty colours though.
The kids ran about like mad things in the garden, then all too soon it was time to taxi to the station for a dull journey back on the train (I finished my book before we even got to Stevenage). Then back up to Fife, with a quick stop for fish and chips. We seem to be away more than here just now: things will probably be a lot more settled when we get to France (a week tomorrow - I'm starting to get excited now!)
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