Mr B has homework to do. I'm not sure knowing the word for 'concrete' is going to be enough to build a whole house. I will be testing him later.
We all got up late today. In fact I think if Mr B's mum hadn't called at 9 with some long involved tale about not bringing Aunty Betty to lunch after all even though we didn't know she was bringing her, we would probably have slept all day.
As it was, there was much tidying and cleaning to do before those who were arriving for lunch did so, then much lunching and chatting (and revelling in the fact that they seem to be ok about the move to France).
The evening drifted by in a haze of catch-up TV and back-blipping.
I'm feeling a bit guilty about all the back-blipping, and general lack of blip-involvement from me of late. All will be better once I'm in France and have nothing to do all day...
But if you do feel like checking on my weekend in London, pop back here, then here (night shot), here (odd door), and finally here for the hottest mouthful.
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